Description | Set property value | Get property value |
Pressure [MPa] | void SetPressureMPa(double newP) | double GetPressureMPa() |
Temperature [K] | void SetTemperatureK(double newT) | double GetTemperatureK() |
Protection key | void SetKeyCode(long nNewValue) | n/a |
Error status | n/a | long GetErrorFlag() |
Error report | n/a | BSTR GetErrorReport() |
Specific volume [m3/kg] | n/a | double GetSpecificVolume() |
Density [kg/m3] | n/a | double GetMassDensity() |
Saturation pressure [MPa] | n/a | double GetSaturationPressure() |
Saturation temperature [K] | n/a | double GetSaturationTemperature() |
Boundary pressure [MPa] (Between regions 2&3) | n/a | double GetBoundaryPressure() |
Boundary temperature [K] (Between regions 2&3) | n/a | double GetBoundaryTemperature() |
Specific internal energy [kJ/kg] | n/a | double GetSpecificInternalEnergy() |
Specific isobaric heat capacity [kJ/(kg⋅K)] | n/a | double GetSpecificIsobaricHC() |
Specific isochoric heat capacity [kJ/(kg⋅K)] | n/a | double GetSpecificIsochoricHC() |
Speed of sound [m/s] | n/a | double GetSpeedOfSound() |
Thermal conductivity [mW/(m*K)] | n/a | double GetThermalConductivity() |
Viscosity [Pa⋅s] | n/a | double GetViscosity() |
Isentropic exponent | n/a | double GetIsentropicExponent() |
Dielectric constant | n/a | double GetDielectricConstant() |
Specific enthalpy [kJ/kg] | n/a | double GetSpecificEnthalpy() |
Specific entropy [kJ/(kg⋅K)] | n/a | double GetSpecificEntropy() |
Water/steam region | n/a | short GetRegion() |
long CalculateProperties(); calculates water/steam properties, determines the corresponding water/steam region and returns long representing error status flags. | |
Upon completion the function CalculateProperties() returns "long" representing Error status. Error status property can also be read out by GetErrorFlag­(). | |
long GetErrorFlag­() | Description of Error flags. |
Bit 0 =1 (0000001H) | Pressure ≤0 or >100 MPa, or pressure >10 MPa for temperatures above 1073.15 K. |
Bit 1 =1 (0000002H) | Temperature <273.15 or >1073.15 K. |
Bit 2 =1 (000004H) | d>(0.55+0.97⋅mfrCO2-0.45⋅mfrH2) d - density mfrCO2 - mole fraction of carbon dioxide mfrH2 - mole fraction of hydrogen |
Bit 24 =1 (1000000H) | Incorrect key-code entered. |
Bits: 2....,23,25,....31 | Unused. |
The output parameters do have the corresponding pressure/temperature (p,t) range of validity. The parameter will be set to "-1" if the corresponding (p,t) range of validity was not satisfied. The result is valid only if it is not equal to "-1" and if the error flags are equal to zero. |